In late January, a Gwinnett County Police Officer was attempting to pass another vehicle when he, apparently, lost control of his patrol car, jumped a curb and hit two teenagers. These teens were pedestrians walking along the sidewalk.
What to do in a hit-and-run accident in Georgia
Do you know what to do if you get in a hit-and-run accident? The steps you need to take are similar to those for any other type of motor vehicle accident, so if you know those, then you are already mostly prepared. There are only a few differences you must be aware of to raise your chances of receiving the best financial outcome possible.
Can insurance rates go up after car accidents that aren't your fault?
If you're injured by other driver, you can face large medical costs, damage to your car and lost wages at work while you recover. Unfortunately, the costs of a car accident may not end there.
Car accident deaths on the rise in Georgia and across the nation
Car accident deaths have been rising across the U.S., including in Georgia, according to new data from the National Safety Council. There were 1,540 reported deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents in Georgia last year, a 10 percent increase from 2015.
Young drivers take most road risks
Young drivers take the most risks in Georgia and across the United States, according to astudy by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. However, the study found that drivers in other age groups are also guilty of dangerous behind-the-wheel behaviors.
Medical conditions linked to increased truck accident risk
Most Georgia residents know that the road to good health is paved with regular exercise and sound nutrition, but following a healthy lifestyle can be difficult for commercial truck drivers who spend eight or more hours behind the wheel each day. Heart disease and diabetes are among the leading causes of death in the United States, and researchers from the University Of Utah School Of Medicine say that suffering from these and other conditions can make truck drivers far more likely to be involved in accidents.
Gainesville Pedestrian Accident
Just yesterday, a man from Gainesville, Georgia was walking in Gwinnett County, Georgia and was hit and killed by a motor vehicle. Following the collision, the perpetrator then attempted to flee the scene but was subsequently stopped by police.
Trump memorandum delays truck driver training rule
Georgia residents may be interested to learn that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration published a notice on Feb. 1 that delayed a rule regarding the establishment of truck driver training standards. The rule, which was supposed to take effect on Feb. 6, was delayed by a memorandum from the Trump administration that was issued on Jan. 20.