Workers in Georgia and around the country are getting older, and this will lead to significant changes in the workers' compensation industry. This will also have an effect on workplace safety issues.
Workers' compensation benefits for injured employees
When Georgia employees suffer injuries on the job, they may be able to receive benefits through workers' compensation. The vast majority of employers are required to have coverage. The specific types of injuries covered by workers' compensation are those connected to a requirement or condition of an employee's job.
How workplace injuries can affect your life
Whether you are starting a new job or advancing through the ranks at your current place of employment in Georgia, you should think about how a serious workplace injury can affect your life. Not too many people think of the impact that workplace injuries can have on their day-to-day routines. As a result, many of them are not in a position to pay their household expenses and other financial obligations while they are unable to work.
3 myths regarding machine compliance
Georgia employers should be aware that injuries that are caused by a lack of machine safeguarding can result in expensive consequences, including an increase in workers' compensation premiums and citations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Part of the problem appears to be that manufacturers misunderstand OSHA safeguarding requirements.
How employers can prevent heat exhaustion
When the Georgia summer rolls around, temperatures in large facilities can soar, putting workers at risk for suffering heat stress and illness. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will issue citations to employers who do not properly protect their employees against heat-related illnesses. In some cases, a fine could be as high as $70,000.
Well it looks like law enforcement and the auto insurance companies have done it again. They have managed to find a new way to crack down on drivers who allow their insurance to lapse due to non-payment.
GA child fatality statistics resulting from car accidents
A study covering the period of 2010 to 2014 and conducted by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that Georgia was the fifth in the nation for the most childhood deaths from crashes on the state's roadways. The report indicates that 130 children under the age of 15 died because of motor vehicle accidents in the state during that period.